Shoot Your Shot

003 – Hell Yes or No


I Like Talking To People

This week I spoke to three people, and if I’m honest, I enjoyed speaking to all three.

It’s rare that I leave the house three times a week; and talking to friends was great.

One of them was even a stranger, sort of, but we got closer and now hopefully I have a new friend.

I say my motto is People, Not Things and I think I have to remind myself of that sometimes. Things are always there, content, possessions, desires. Time with people, quality time is the most valuable thing.

Some thoughts I had from conversations:

  • You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take – so shoot your shot
  • I don’t want to be 50 years old and regretting life
  • You didn’t get lucky to meet me — we all got lucky to meet us
  • If you’re not pursuing your passion, what are you doing
  • Everybody’s suffering with their own struggle and pain; sometimes the best you can do is help someone else out

I should try to meet one person a week, midweek, and then maybe funstuff on the weekends.

Also, On Relationships…

Shot my shot, started a conversation. Doesn’t hurt, let’s see about coffee 🤞

Career – Waiting For Certainty

At this stage, it’s either feast or famine, and out of my hands. I’m waiting for HR to send me the contract, and that’s the most important thing but it’s outside of my control.

I hate this uncertainty. I’ve kept up my end of the bargain, I have left with no rope, and now it’s up to someone else to figure this out.

I also got screwed on a small deal, when the other party boasted and bragged about the moon and the stars, and then I had to settle for a way smaller, way measlier deal. (Maybe this is how corporate types get ahead – overpromise and under-deliver). In the future, I shall not trust so readily, or at least send a minimum fee agreement and get everything in email.

The More I’m Doing, The Less I Worry

I almost entirely forgot about the small deal screw-up, because of everything I have to do and have to work on. Perhaps it’s true, time moves fastest and feels most satisfying when you are doing a lot of interesting work, rather than repetitive, simple stuff.

Quick Thoughts

  • BJJ again. It’s a sign.
  • No more Sacoor Outlet clothes.
  • Thinking about a minimalist lifestyle, maybe starting with clothes & objects. I threw away 40% of my cupboard with no change in my life, and if I’m honest I could throw away 80% of things without really noticing. Hoarding is an in-case, scarcity-mindset behaviour. I shall change my mindset, and stop shopping bargain basement if I can get one good set — you buy cheap, you buy twice.
  • I somewhat neglected my physical health, spiritual wellness, and wealth and money this week. Back on the wagon.

Recommendations & Reads

I really love the Goes Wrong Show.

Reading: Mindhunter