Greasing the Groove


004 – Be Prepared


Preparation Pays Off

I had a few days before class, and I spent time reading ahead, studying the syllabus ahead, working through exercises in R4DS.

R is a wonderful, wonderful language and all so interesting. But having some familiarity with basic R helped me understand the material in class. Even the statistics course was helpful.

Rigour is helpful too. Paying attention in class, I took note of small details and niche commands, which came in handy later. I learned how to factor() a column to make certain tests work.

As an aside, StackExchange is the best.

Possibly the most helpful thing was simply to pack my bag, get everything well designed, and in place.

I Like Talking To People, II

This week I spent two evenings with people. I like talking to people; this week, I confessed some things, and I realised I was actually able to be friendly outside of class.

Also, On Relationships…

I went on a couple of dates with this lady, who sent me this message to end it:

Sorry, just not feeling it

Second date

It was actually the second-best possible outcome on a scale of:

  1. Yes, let’s go out again!
  2. This doesn’t work for me, let’s not
  3. (Silence and ghosting)

Dating is like poker – you wanna get information as quickly and cheaply as possible; but unlike poker it’s best to be honest and transparent.

If “Poker is a game of folding”, then dating is also a game of early rejections. Hire slow, fire fast.

The First Is To Be Kind

Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.

Henry James

One of the students in Improv class is annoying. He constantly craves attention and speaks up, tries to demand attention, and takes over the class. To be fair to him, he has the presence and charisma to command attention — unfortunately, people just don’t want to play with him.

I’ll admit – at first, I thought he was just being a kid. People are unpleasant when they’re young and immature – weren’t you?

Immature kids have plenty of rough edges that need to be smoothed and sanded down by bouncing off other people in the Brownian motion of society (GNU Terry Pratchett).

But it turned out there was a reason he was always starved of attention. His parents came to the show, unimpressed and late. His dad arrived an hour late, missing his part in the show, and he complained that they were focused on their phones.

A tragic story; it’s a pity he couldn’t vocalise why he had the chip on his shoulder, or figure out how to deal with it.

All you see is not all there is.

Quick Thoughts

  • BJJ again. It’s a sign.
  • I might like clothes now. I will throw away another 40% of stuff during my December break.
  • I somewhat neglected my physical health, spiritual wellness, and wealth and money this week. Back on the wagon.

Recommendations & Reads

Still reading Before & Laughter.