I signed up for a data analytics course. It’s been tougher than I imagined.
Twice a week, after work, I log on to a 2 hr zoom call and mess with Excel, SQL or Tableau. Then on the weekends I do about six hours, plus another couple hours on weeknights as extra homework.
I’m tired. Screen time on my play laptop has gone right down, just because I’m staring at screens all day. I barely read any more too, and I crawl into bed by 9pm most nights. It’s taking a physical and mental toll on me – but it’s one I’m willing to pay, because I would have spent the time playing chess or watching movies anyway.
And yet…
Honestly, it’s exciting learning new things. I have homework, and people are asking me questions. and it feels great to know that I can solve these problems or I can find the answers.
It even feels strangely empowering – I don’t have the answers, but that’s OK. I’m going to be judged and graded, but that’s also OK. I’ve accepted a certain level of humility and failure and mistake-making. I know what I’m trying to do, and mistakes are a way of learning.
And if I’m honest, I’m also excited because…
At some point, quietly, I gave up all hope of my marketing career.
I grew despondent about my marketing job; that I had no future with the company, that I’d never grow my salary, that I’d never progress.
If nothing else, this course represents hope that I can change and pivot my career, and make more money, and advance in my career.
I want to be able to afford more than I can now. To grow up.