Finding my way in the dark Blindfolded in the dark I struggle with where to go next. On a short-term, tactical level, that's never a problem. I am decisive and pragmatic and tactically sound — in the short term. Next three steps in a board game? Priorities for the next two weeks of sprint? How… Continue reading Clarity and Purpose
Category: Uncategorized
nobody is coming to save you
Failure, drowning, and optimism. Somebody save me today: I got my first job-application rejection of the year. It hit me quite hard, because all I got was an image on my list of applications: No discussion, no rationale, nothing to learn. To be fair, I am a failure; I am underqualified for the role (I… Continue reading nobody is coming to save you
My Theme For 2024
The Fruit of the New Year I love catchphrases so much I have my own catchy slogans, and a yearly Theme is just that -- a catchphrase for the year, a direction to drive metacognition and decision-making, a great alternative to New Year's Resolution. In 2023, I picked a theme and it helped me confirm… Continue reading My Theme For 2024
Good Enough.
Why I love engineers, accepting tradeoffs, and good enough is good enough. My Spirit Animal is an Engineer If everything is perfect, 100%, then something has gone wrong.My Engineering Prof I'm taking a class on Machine Learning Engineering with a real-life engineer -- not your everyday academic, but a real engineer with a real job,… Continue reading Good Enough.
Improv Teachers Are People Too
Remember to be kind to each other. Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kindHenry James Improv is purely people I love teaching improv classes. I have a spiel prepared to explain why. I didn't prepare it to… Continue reading Improv Teachers Are People Too
2023 Yearly Theme ✊ / The State of the Darren, 2022 🎂Edition
Reflections on my birthday of the year so far, and the year to come
Searching for the answers, pursuing perfection, thinking in algorithms.
The Courage to be Loved
Letting people connect with you is scary. And I don't take my own damn advice. Luckily, I have people to call me out.
Broken Things
I am a broken thing, but there's nothing wrong with being broken.
I choose you
One way or another, you chose; and if you're late, it's because you made a choice to be late.