I donated blood. It took less than an hour. It’s fast, it’s easy, it helped someone.
You should donate too. Blood supplies are low because of Covid-19.
Giving Blood is fast (and you get a croissant).
I was surprised. It was fast! I spent less than half an hour in the chair. I brought a book to read, but only got through two chapters. It took longer because it was my first time, and the doctor had to ask screening questions.
The staff were lovely and pleasant and handed free canned Isontonic drinks. Also, after you’re done, they give you a special ticket for the cafe: good for one hot drink, one pastry and one dessert. Brilliant!
Giving Blood is easy (and they are super-efficient)
- I went to https://www.hsa.gov.sg/blood-donation to make an appointment.
- I headed to Bloodbank @HSA (because it was near Chinatown) and found plenty of signs to tell me where to go.
- I actually showed up 15 minutes early, but they processed me quickly. There was almost no queue.
You can help someone (and they need the help!)
I’ve had a rough couple of months. I have been alone with my own negative thoughts, anxieties and worries. Lockdown left me feeling disconnected from people.
Giving blood, at least, made me feel like I did one thing to help. Less than 2% of Singaporeans are blood donors.
When you are good to others, you are best to yourself
Benjamin Franklin, by way of Dale Carnegie’s How to Stop Worrying and Live Your Life
Bonus: A little upbeat moment
Everyone at the blood bank was wonderful and warm – and I don’t just mean the staff.
A pair of uncles caught up while they gave blood, side-by-side. A young woman fiddled with her phone. A regular said greeted his favourite nurses before he left. A sheepish-looking athlete returned to donate after a gap of 20 years, and was warmly welcome.
Give it a try. Try the free croissant. Take an hour to read that book you’ve always wanted to. Help someone; give blood