μ: Failure II

A continuation from an earlier microblog: μ: Failure and Humility

I failed another interview, a couple weeks ago.

I thought I managed to reason through and answer all the interview questions, but the post-interview chat had a quote:

Let me give you some advice. When answering interview questions, instead state your points upfront, give yourself a map to answer questions. This shows you can think strategically, and not just ramble through tactical details.

Helpful, kind interviewer.

I took a final swing after that, but it did felt like I’d already failed. Sure enough, 2 weeks later, the official confirmation arrived — but at least I got closure.

I failed the interview, and rejection was disappointing and crushing again (and I was, once again, mopey). It didn’t feel too much like a failure though; not quite like I made a mistake, not quite like it was crushing.

I knew where I went wrong (more prepared for technical questions/less prepared for strategic thinking and analysis), I can say that the role didn’t quite fit. Perhaps that’s why it doesn’t feel so much like a loss.

That first μ: Failure — turns out it didn’t even matter, I was rejected on some other grounds. It doesn’t make me feel better that I had no chance in the first place. Yet, that failure felt more crushing (and still fatal) while this felt more… like another brick in the wall.