μ: a micro-blog, a quick thought.
Today’s is a remark about one of the Things Darren Says Often, and something I truly believe: 祸从口开, or “Disasters Starts When The Mouth Opens”.
Apparently this is a mis-remembering of the original phraseology, whch goes:
“Illness enters through the mouth;
disaster exits from the mouth”.
A poignant, piquant witticism to be careful about what you put in your mouth (you are what you eat) and to be wary of what you actually say.
I have some bone-jaw-cartilage issue that may mean one day, I develop lockjaw and can no longer open my mouth to speak (or eat, or kiss, or breathe, but speaking is important).
I feel like I don’t have many relevant skills, and since Words Are Magic, if I can’t speak, I lose so much of what makes me relevant, magical, useful to the world. Before that day, before my magic runs out, I want to change the world (what I can of it) with my magic, with my mouth, by speaking.
Sometimes, these words I say are what change the world for me, opens doors (say the magic word), and gets people to fall in love with me. But all too often, these words are what get me into trouble, what destroys people’s love and trust and faith in me, what kills love and hearts and minds more than anything.
So, everyday, I think to myself: maybe I should keep my mouth shut. But one day, it won’t be my choice any more.
All trouble begins when the mouth opens.
One day, my mouth won’t open any more.