My job is (ostensibly…) as an AI Engineer, and I spend a lot of time writing instructions and teaching people.
Mostly, I instruct and teach computers — perform this program, following these instructions; obey these logical rules to transform this data; learn from these examples to correct your mistakes and do better next time.
Logician, instruct thyself.
I make plenty of mistakes and failures; but that’s OK, that’s part of the optimization process and learning journey. And if I can teach perfect computers imperfect solutions, perhaps I can teach an imperfect computer — myself — the perfect ideals; perhaps I can reprogram myself into success.
We have all heard of prompt engineering — where instructing an LLM to perform tasks, or giving it a persona makes it perform better somehow, just with words (Words are magic, after all)
Here are some affirmations I cribbed and modified from a Stoic’s micro morning routine:
- Today, I woke up. I will be grateful for things, starting with that.
- Today, I will focus on what’s important; I will not try to saw sawdust, worry about what I can’t control, or violate the 11-am room. The new day is a great big fish!
- Today, I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and selfishness; but that is human nature. I will tolerate, if possible help, and remember that they are fighting difficult battles too.
- Today, I will be present with others; I will accept the gift of the present; I will be present.
- Today, I will accept problems as challenges, and not exaggerate; that they are difficult is just more opportunity to learn. I will remember that nothing is truly good or bad, but thinking makes it so. So, I will think better, for more Life Points